Members advanced configurations

There are some BuddyPress configuration settings that can be changed by adding a configuration definition line to a /wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php file.

Moving Member pages at the root level Moving Member pages at the root level

define( 'BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES', true );

Due to its lack of stability, we discourage this configuration (See ticket #1426 for more information). When you use this constant, your members pages URL won’t have a slug prefix (eg: members/). They will be directly reachable at the root level: https://site.url/username/.

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Changing the default active tab when viewing a member’s landing page Changing the default active tab when viewing a member’s landing page

define( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'component-slug' );

Members landing page can be their personal activity stream (if the Activity Component is active), their profile page or a specific home page when adding a custom front.php template to the /buddypress/members/single/subdirectory of your active theme. You can use this constant to force the default active tab to the component of your choice using its slug (eg: groups to list the groups the displayed user is a member of).

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Enabling support for LDAP usernames that include dots Enabling support for LDAP usernames that include dots


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Skipping user creation when a user registers Skipping user creation when a user registers


WordPress’s default behavior is to create user accounts immediately at registration time. BuddyPress uses a system borrowed from WordPress Multisite, where signups are stored separately and accounts are only created at the time of activation. For backward compatibility with plugins that may be anticipating WP’s default behavior, BP silently creates accounts for registrations (though it does not use them). If you know that you are not running any plugins dependent on these pending accounts, you may want to save a little DB clutter by defining setting the BP_SIGNUPS_SKIP_USER_CREATION to true.