Groups advanced configurations

There are some BuddyPress configuration settings that can be changed by adding a configuration definition line to a /wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php file.

Changing the default active tab when viewing a group’s landing page Changing the default active tab when viewing a group’s landing page

define( 'BP_GROUPS_DEFAULT_EXTENSION', 'component-slug' );

Groups landing page can be their activity stream (if the Activity Component is active), their group members page or a specific home page when adding a custom front.php template to the /buddypress/groups/single/subdirectory of your active theme. You can use this constant to force the default active tab to the component of your choice using its slug (eg: members to list the list of members of the displayed group instead of the group’s activity stream).

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Disable groups auto-joining Disable groups auto-joining

define( 'BP_DISABLE_AUTO_GROUP_JOIN', true );

By default, when users who are not yet group members post an activity into this group, BuddyPress will automatically create their membership to it. If you use this constant, you can disable this behavior.