
BuddyPress is a powerful plugin that takes your powered site beyond the blog with social-network features like user profiles, member types, activity streams, user groups, group types, and more. You could set up a community site for your university, an intranet for your company, a public/private network for your special interest groups, and many more!

Reasons why choosing BuddyPress to power your community site is the right choice:

  1. BuddyPress is an official WordPress plugin. It powers the 8.1+ Million user profiles at e.g. jjj, boonebgorges, and djpaul.
  2. BuddyPress is actively developed and maintained. You can be assured that this project will continue to serve your community for the long term.
  3. BuddyPress is compatible with nearly all WordPress themes. You can customize the BuddyPress templates beyond adding styles or moving template parts through our theme compatibility layer.
  4. BuddyPress is extensible. There are over 1,000 BuddyPress plugins in the repository alone.
  5. BuddyPress is secure. The BuddyPress plugin is part of the WordPress HackerOne program. Each security report is acknowledged upon receipt, and the BuddyPress team works to verify the vulnerability and determine its severity. If confirmed, the BuddyPress team then plans for a patch to fix the problem which can be committed to an upcoming release of the BuddyPress plugin or it can be pushed as an immediate security release, depending on the severity of the issue.